Press Release – Forum of GOP Candidates for Attorney General

Forum of GOP Candidates for Attorney General
Matt Marko, President, NORC
Phone: 248-330-8733

The two candidates; State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker and Speaker of the House, Tom Leonard, will be together on stage at the same time, answering questions and responding to each other.  This following a blistering attack mail campaign to precinct delegates by Senator Schuitmaker on Speaker Leonard’s character. Tickets for this public event, held at the Waterford Twp. Hall, on May 24th at 7:00 pm are available on Eventbrite at

The North Oakland Republican Club (NORC) is the original Republican club of Oakland County.  Dating back to the 1960s, NORC has provided a forum to meet elected officials and information on current governmental. issues.  NORC has also been a conduit for people to get involved in government and an incubator for candidates.  NORC provides a community service with monthly free and open meetings featuring top speakers on current topics.

Last month NORC conducted a public debate on the recreational marijuana referendum, the day the board of Canvassers certified the petition to be on the fall ballot.  The debaters were representatives of sides of the issue; Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol, and Smart Approach to Marijuana. The link to both videos is


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